BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Do All Things

Day 21

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

– Philippians 4:13

During the summer of 2001, a 13-year-old Steph Curry had a terrible game at the AAU national championships in Tennessee.In Curry’s mind, he was terrible, not big enough, strong enough, or quick enough to compete against the best 13-year olds in the country. As he sat in his hotel room, he remembers not even being that upset about it. For Curry, in that moment, his basketball dream was over. But it was also in that moment that his parents (his father Dell played in the NBA) sat him down and gave him the most important talk of his entire life. Here is what they said…

“No one gets to write your story but you. Not some scouts. Not some tournament. Not these other kids who might do this better or that are better. None of those people, and none of those things, gets to be author of your story – just you. So think real hard about it, take your time and then go and write what you want to write, but just know that this story – it’s yours.”

Today, we know Steph Curry as one of the top 5 basketball players in the world1. He has this scripture verse written on the side of his sneakers. Even if we don’t know the full extent of Curry’s personal relationship with Jesus, when you research what he has achieved, you have to consider this scripture verse has had a profound effect on his life, as well as the conversation he had with his parents back in the day. In looking at our scripture verse – Paul wrote these words while facing some of the worst trials of his life. Despite the threat of pain and death, he realized that God gives us strength in ways that go beyond the good times and the everything-is-okay moments. And it’s there that we can truly do “all things.” Here are 3 surprising ways this happens:

Through trials – Christ gives us the strength to not only endure the tough times, but also to grow during them. Through contentment – Jesus gives us the strength to see beyond our present circumstances and to trust in Him to provide everything we truly need. Through victory – We can face any situation and be content no matter what happens, because Jesus died on the cross, rose again, and all He accomplished gets credited to our account.

We will live a lifetime and never come close to experience 1% of what Paul endured, but in our every day lives, there will come many moments where it may seem it can’t get any tougher. Maybe you will feel like a 13-year old Steph Curry – this is as good as it is going to get, or as good as I will be. In the end, you write your story – through every trial and through every circumstance, where the possibilities are limitless in claiming YOUR victory in doing all things through Jesus!

We can face any situation and be content no matter what happens, because Jesus died on the cross, rose again, and all He accomplished gets credited to our account.

Confession for today: “Today Jesus, through every trial and circumstance, I will declare victory in Your name to do all things. There is nothing on this day I can’t accomplish. I know that my life is filled with potential beyond anything I can image because I give You all the glory and honor.”

Living for Today,

Mr. Tom


Harvest Church