BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Don’t Get Lost on the Trail

Day 25

“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”

– John 16:13

When Joe and I were in Ireland, we were walking along some hiking paths near the coastline. The paths were not marked clearly, and so we made our way down a dead-end path without knowing it. We saw another couple walking the same path, and assumed they knew what they were doing, so we kept going. Little did we know, they had no idea where they were either and they had forgotten how to get out. When we realized our mistake, we turned and started heading back, and that’s when I heard the couple say “let’s follow them.” The exit was literally right up ahead around a bend, but the couple behind us could not see it and felt lost.

This happens a lot when hiking unfamiliar trails or paths, and it also happens when we are making decisions in life. We are actually so close to where we need to be or to the next step but we can’t see it and we assume we are lost. We have a choice to make at this point: give up, follow someone else, or keep going. How will you know what to do? Well, if you have been cultivating your relationship with the Holy Spirit, you may simply “know” within your own spirit man what you should do. But even if you are not at that point quite yet, you can still call on the Holy Spirit to show you the way or to give you peace in a decision so you can make the right choice. The Holy Spirit is always available and always ready to assist. He is waiting for us to ask Him to do so!

The scripture above says that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what is to come. This can come in the form of peace about where to work, where to go to college, or who to marry. It could also be a message you hear or a devotional or scripture you read that really speaks to you in the moment, and you suddenly have an idea or peace of mind in an area.

The Holy Spirit is always available and always ready to assist. He is waiting for us to ask Him to do so!

What do you need the Holy Spirit to reveal to you today? What steps can you take to make sure you are hearing the answers?

Believing with you,


Harvest Church