BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Treasures in Heaven

Day 20

“Do not gather and heap up and store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal. But gather and … (verse 20 – 23)

– Matthew 6:19-23

After reading these verses I want you to ask yourself a few questions today:

Where are your thoughts coming from?

What do you think about the most?

Are your thoughts heavenly minded or earthly minded?

What are you seeking… the things of earth or the things of heaven?

Where is your heart…is it focused on earth or focused on heaven?

The concern of Jesus in this passage is the effects that money, possessions, and material things can have. They can all cause a man to lose his soul. We have to understand that nothing on this earth is secure or lasts because it all ages, decays, and wastes away the moment we get our hands on it. Earthly possessions and things of this earth are all what the Bible calls temporal and corruptible, but what Jesus has to offer is permanent and eternal. Christ’s desire for us is to center our lives around Him and heaven so we can have life and security with Him for all eternity. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. We must make a conscious effort every day to not be concerned so much with earthly things, but instead be focused on growing in our spiritual walk daily.

Christ’s desire for us is to center our lives around Him and heaven so we can have life and security with Him for all eternity.

Confession for today: “Holy Spirit, help me be heavenly and spiritually minded on a daily basis so I do not allow the things of this world to control any part of my life. Lord, give me the ability to keep my focus on the things of the spirit and not get caught up in the ways of the world that will never last forever like my walk with You will!”

Seek Him First!


Harvest Church