Be Strong and Courageous
Day 14 “Be strong and confident and courageous…” – Joshua 1:6 Additional reading: Joshua 1:5-9 God is telling Joshua to be strong and courageous as he follows the commands given to him.
Is it time for you to make a life changing decision? Maybe you are deciding on your educational future, or maybe you are wondering what your future will be like. If you have spoken to your family or friends, I am sure they have made suggestions on what they would do. But remember, God already has your future decided for you, and trust me…it is bright and full of promise!
Acts 17:26 says that God appoints your time and your place. The reason you are here right now is because God wants you here right now. You could have been born at any time in history, but God ordained your time and place. You are alive right now because God wants you alive now. That means there is something in your destiny that the world needs now, especially where you live, where you go to school, and the people you associate with. God and His infinite wisdom knows this, and with the help of the Holy Spirit it will be released.
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
– Psalm 139:13-16 (NLT)
Before you were even born, before you were on earth even one single day, God wrote down the plans and a destiny He had for you. Before you were ever put into your mother’s womb, He recorded in His Book things about your life.
“Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our words, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.”
– 2 Timothy 1:9 (KJ21)
God has established your purpose. God has great plans for every one of us. Your future is bright and your destiny is good. His plans are only good and they are designed to give you a bright future, filled with hope.
It is now up to you to seek God’s plans for yourself. Get quiet with Him, pray, read the Word, study to see what your future is. Talk with the Holy Spirit and listen! Make sure you have quality time with the Holy Spirit. Don’t fit Him into your plans, rather fit yourself into His plans.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
– John 14:27 (NKJV)
I believe when you have heard from the Holy Spirit and you have the Peace of God concerning your situation/decision, you will be able to move forward, but only if you have the Peace of God…NO PEACE, NO GO!!
Confession for today: “Father God, in the name of Jesus I come before You seeking the plans and purpose You have for my life. I trust You and believe in my heart that You have only good things ahead for me. I cast all my cares on You and let go of them. Holy Spirit, please lead and guide me into what God has ordained for Me. I seek Your Peace in every decision.”
Stay Connected,
Mr. George