BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional


Day 08

 “You stood in deep darkness and thick clouds. God spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but you saw nothing—no form, only a voice.”

– Deuteronomy 4:11-12

Fire is pretty significant in the Bible. When God appeared to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, He appeared with the “Fire of Heaven.”

“You stood in deep darkness and thick clouds. GOD spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but you saw nothing—no form, only a voice.”
– Deuteronomy 4:11-12 (MSG)

So the Israelites heard God’s voice for the first time through the fire. When we build our spiritual fire, we can hear God’s voice too.

Just like good fire, we only need a few things to build our spiritual fire. Tinder is the first thing that is needed. Tinder is the smallest type of wood you can find. It’s smaller than your pinky finger and essential to starting your fire. The tinder creates the spark that catches everything else on fire. Our decision to follow Jesus is the tinder of our spiritual fire. Making the choice to be a follower of Christ is the spark that we need to get the rest of our fire lit. We might feel as though this piece is small and insignificant, but we can’t start our spiritual fire without it.

The next thing we need is the kindling. It’s the middle sized wood. It connects the spark to the bigger pieces. Without it our spark dies out quickly. The kindling is being in the Word and praying. This helps us stoke our fire. If we want to hear God’s voice like the Israelites did, then we need to be spending time to know His voice.

“But you do not believe Me [so you do not trust and follow Me] because you are not My sheep. The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.”
– John 10:26-27 (AMP)

Address the Spirit throughout the day in ways that reflect His role in your life. The last thing we need is fuel. The fuel is the large wood that keeps our fire going. The fuel in our spiritual fire is our communion with the Holy Spirit.  When we are in the Word and praying, we build up our fire. Then when we put our fuel on the fire by continuing our relationship, we keep our fire going.

Once we have our fire built, it’s important to keep it going. But sometimes our flames go out and we are left with nothing but coals. When we’re down to the coals we feel like we are really far away from God, but the reality is that the coals are the hottest part of the fire. The coal in our fire is God’s infallible Word in our hearts. When we are down to coals, we are very similar to the Prodigal Son. We’re off on our own and we realize that things were much better when we were at home. All we have to do is call our Father and ask Him to help us. You see, the only thing that you need to reignite coals is air.

The fuel in our spiritual fire is our communion with the Holy Spirit.

When you blow onto hot coals, the flames start back up. Add a little wood and your fire will be roaring once again. We need to ask God to blow His fresh Spirit into us and get back into reading God’s word, praying, and communing with the Holy Spirit.

Love and Nuggs,


Harvest Church