BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Don’t Give Fear a Seat at the Table

Day 25

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

– 2 Timothy 1:7

As a little background, this scripture that we hear so often is part of a letter to Timothy that Paul wrote while he was imprisoned. Paul was close to his death while he wrote this and yet he is encouraging Timothy and all other believers to not fear. Seems to me that he had every earthly reason to have fear in his situation, and yet he takes time to write to other believers about having no fear. Paul wants believers to recognize that God has given us the opportunity to live free from fear and to live in victory, but it is our choice to walk in that! Paul was choosing to put down his fears and encourage others while he was imprisoned instead of throwing himself a pity party and living in fear of what was to come. We may not ever have to deal with being imprisoned for our beliefs (Thank God!), but we definitely face things each day that threaten our peace, our joy, and our relationship with God.

In this same sentence, Paul tells Timothy the key to resisting fear is the Holy Spirit. He reminds Timothy that God gave us the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit’s job is to literally help us when we call on Him. He will lead us, guide us, and give us direction and wisdom. All we have to do is obey the Word and call on the Holy Spirit for help.

Paul wants believers to recognize that God has given us the opportunity to live free from fear and to live in victory, but it is our choice to walk in that!

What have you been obsessing over and feeling fear about?

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with this situation:

“Heavenly Father, I thank you that You have sent your Holy Spirit to help us as we walk through life. Holy Spirit, I have been fearful about ___________________ and I need Your help to find peace and direction in this area. Help me to hear Your still, small voice and to be led in the direction I should go. Thank you for this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Believing with you,


Harvest Church