BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

But God…

Day 04

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

– Matthew 19:26

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

– Deuteronomy 31:6

Additional reading: Ephesians 2:4-6, 7-8

While listening to the radio on my way to work, I was so encouraged when I heard Ephesians 2:4. It just super charged my spirit! I felt like the Holy Spirit just dropped in my spirit that no matter what you face during the day, you can say, “BUT GOD” so anything that comes after this beginning statement is possible, because with God everything is possible. I’d like to encourage you today that no matter what you face today or this week or down the road, you can face that situation and say, “BUT GOD.”

In my life there have been thoughts of, “How am I ever going to learn all this information for this class?” or, “This person at school or work is just unbearable,” or, “What am I going to do with myself in a couple years once this gravy train of a ride called high school ends?” (haha). No matter what the situation may be, when you start your prayer with “BUT GOD,” you are casting all your cares unto Him, just like He asked us to do. Have faith that, once you put the ball in God’s court, He will take care of it! Is this an easy thing? Most definitely not, because as humans we want to take on everything and solve problems on our own. What we must remember is there is a greater power than any one of us, working on our behalf. Jesus left His Holy Spirit to help and guide us, so we must make sure we listen to Him!

No matter what the situation may be, when you start your prayer with “BUT GOD,” you are casting all your cares unto Him, just like He asked us to do.

I just get so super charged when I think of this scripture in Ephesians 2:4… “BUT GOD!” So ponder on this; let it boost your faith and trust in God to do the impossible in your life! No matter the situation you face, God can make it happen!

Reflection: Take a second and think of situations or issues that you face that need to be spoken to with the start of “BUT GOD.” Pray about it and listen to what God wants to show or tell you about each issue you are facing.

God is good… all the time… all the time…


Harvest Church