BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Busy Body

Day 12

“…Jesus entered a certain village, and a woman named Martha received and welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was listening to His teaching. But Martha [overly occupied and too busy] was distracted… (verse 40 – 42)

– Luke 10:38-42

I often find that it’s easy to stay busy with the cares of this world rather than take a quiet moment to hear from God. There can be so many distractions and endless lists of to-dos in our everyday lives that, unless we make a point to shut them out, we will continuously be bombarded. Notice that in this passage, Jesus was staying at Martha’s house, not Mary’s. Not only was Mary also a guest in her sister’s home, but she wasn’t helping to host this more important guest: Jesus.

“But Martha [overly occupied and too busy] was distracted with much…”
– Luke 10:40 (AMPC)

Martha was clearly overwhelmed with the task of hosting Jesus and His disciples, but all Mary wanted to do was sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. Have you ever read this portion of scripture and asked yourself where you would be if you were at Martha’s house that day? Would you be helping to ease Martha’s stress and help her do the dishes, or would you be at the feet of Jesus soaking up every word He said? For some, a to-do list is hard to resist. Checking off things on a list and getting caught up doesn’t sound like a bad thing at all. However, it’s when we allow the to-dos to get in the way of taking time to hear from God that it becomes a problem.

In the end, Jesus explains to Martha that her sister has chosen to do what is better. Sitting at His feet is where He wants us to be. Not only taking time in the morning and giving God the first fruits on our day, but living our lives with a heart attitude of always being open to hear from the Holy Spirit. Keeping our thoughts close to Him and our ears inclined to His voice, always filtering out the distraction and cares of this world so that we can be open to hear what He wants to say to us, that’s where He wants us to be.

Confession for today: “Lord God, forgive me for allowing myself to become distracted with the cares of this world. I want to hear Your voice more and be open to Your Holy Spirit’s instruction as I go through my day. I need Your help to filter out the clutter in my mind so that I can focus more on You throughout my day. Lord, thank you for giving me Your Holy Spirit who speaks to me and gives me clarity to understand Your instructions. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Let your light shine,


Harvest Church