BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

The Vital Union

Day 30

“Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you.  [Live in Me, and I will live in you.]  Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me.”

– John 15:4

Have you ever heard of MLA or APA format? I would guess that if you have ever written a paper or taken an English class, you have had to cite the sources of the information that you included in your paper, or were at least introduced to those two formats. For educators, it is extremely important that we identify who our sources are, so they are sure we aren’t plagiarizing our work. In our spiritual walk, it is very important that we know who our source is, connect to Him, and remain connected to Him. John 15:4 says that we need to be vitally united to the Vine, and that we cannot bear fruit unless we abide in Him. If something is vital to you, that means you need it to survive.

If we are cut off from God, separated from His Word and His Presence, we will not be able to grow or survive. God wants us to live a life full of Him and in Him, and in return He lives in us and with us. God is our provider and enables us to produce fruit as long as we stay connected to Him. When we live in God, we know who our source is. Connect to Him through His Word, and He holds on to us as we hold on to Him.

Stay Strong and Carry On,


Harvest Church