BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Be as Light

Day 24

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

– Matthew 5:14

Additional reading: Matthew 5:14-16John 1:5

Light, in the natural, can be put out, absorbed, and appropriated by darkness (John 1:5). We cannot allow Satan to do the same to the Light which shines through our lives as believers, which is the Truth of God’s Word on the inside of us.

Don’t let the enemy put out your Light (put an end to, cancel, or render it void)! If Satan can convince us to neglect our relationship with the Lord, he can cause our life, which should shine as beacon of Truth to the world, to fade away and die out. Stay on guard! Stay alert! Stay vigilant!

Don’t let the enemy absorb your Light (consume it; reduce the effect or intensity of it)! He seeks to cause us to compromise the true potential of the Light that we should be emitting. Don’t allow Satan to infiltrate, taint, intermingle with, muddy, or diminish God’s will and purpose for our lives with the things of this world.

Don’t let the enemy appropriate our Light (take what isn’t his and use it for his own will and purpose). If the Devil can get us off of our intended path and redirect us to a lifestyle of sin, what does that say to those around us who knew what we once stood for? Don’t be casual in your walk with the Lord. Strive to stay committed!

When we seek first the kingdom of God, the darkness can never overpower the Light!

Fight the good fight of faith!


Harvest Church