BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

When a Door Unexpectedly Closes

Day 18

Sometimes we have moments when we believe that we will walk through a particular door… and then it closes. These are the times when trusting in and relying on God can be tough but essential to move forward in His divine will (Proverbs 3:5-6), even in the midst of not understanding with our natural minds. Psalm 62 has given structure to my faith and words to confess in these occasions. I would like to share these scripture confessions, as we know that the Word is alive, and cuts to the dividing line of soul and spirit, and sifts and analyzes the thoughts, intents and purposes of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). We can rest assured that God will render to us according to our righteousness and according to His promises!

Psalm 62:

For God alone my soul waits.

He only is my Rock and my Salvation, my Defense and Fortress, I shall not be greatly moved.

I silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him.

I have confidence in Him at all times, I pour out my heart to Him.

God is a refuge for me; power belongs to Him.

He renders to every man according to his work.

Psalm 71:21:

Lord, increase my greatness (my honor) and comfort me!

Decreeing these scriptures over ourselves allows us to heighten our spirit man and put all reasoning not based in the spirit of God under. When we ‘silently submit’ to the Lord, we demonstrate restraint, and do not speak idly. When we say that we wait only for the Lord, we are acknowledging that every answer and breakthrough comes from Him, in His timing, not from any man. When we decree we will not be moved, we hold our stance of victory, even when we are halted in the natural by a closed door.

We can rest assured that God will render to us according to our righteousness and according to His promises!

Be blessed today and allow the Word to cut to the dividing line on a daily basis!

Your sister in Christ,


Harvest Church