BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

The Shadow of Shame

Day 30

“When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom.”

– Proverbs 11:2

How many times do we find ourselves stuck in a cycle of sin? It happens to all of us. Sometimes we just get so caught up with our day to day routines that the “little” sins that don’t really affect anybody take permanent residence in our everyday lives. Remember, sin is simply missing the mark of doing what God calls us to do. So, in the morning when we have slapped our alarm off one too many times, rather than getting up and spending time in the Word, that is a sin.

Personally, I have struggled with going a couple rounds with my alarm in the morning and then feeling so guilty about it later on. Then on top of that, I can remember sitting in youth service or Sunday morning service listening to the pastor tell of the importance of spending time daily in God’s Word. I remember feeling so embarrassed, thinking that everyone else has got their heads on straight and that I can’t get my act right. If they knew about my struggle, what would they think of me? That feeling of shame can weigh us down and cover over us like a cloud blocking the sun on a gloomy day and it can separate us from what God has for us.

…pride is the source of shame…the only cure…is humility.

Proverbs 11:2 says that pride is the source of shame and that the only cure for it is humility. The only way to combat shame is to humble ourselves and ask for God’s help. Another way of describing shame is embarrassment due to an inflated view of oneself. Now, does that mean that everyone who has ever felt shameful is cocky and full of themselves? Absolutely not! But what it does mean is that thinking we can do things on our own all the time will most likely lead us down the path of shame, even when it comes to waking up early enough to spend time with Him.

Stay Strong and Carry On,


Harvest Church