BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

I Get To

Day 28

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

– Colossians 3:17

How many times have your thoughts been, “I have to do…” or “I have to go…”? Maybe it’s in the morning when you are about to read your bible, do devotionals, or when you pray. How about when doing chores or getting ready for school, practice or church?

The words associated with “I have to…” are pride, selfishness, flesh, slothfulness, and grudging. Looking at it in this way kind of puts things in a different perspective, especially when we study them in God’s word. Pride leads to destruction, and punishment, selfishness leads to God’s anger and wrath, flesh leads to death, slothfulness leads to nothing, and grudging leads to a cursed life. Though harsh, in the end this type of thinking doesn’t allow us to receive God’s benefits and can lead us down a path of death and destruction, even when we think we are saved.

It’s all about choice. God gives everyone a choice to choose. Think about it: you don’t have to pray, read your Bible or go to Frontline or Pillars. Nah. The Bible says nothing about having to do those things, but what it does say is, in doing those things, you will receive God’s benefits and all that He has for us. So what if we instead change our thinking or attitude from “I have to…” to “I get to”?

The words that are associated with “I get to,” are humility, willingness, honor, compassion, gladness, thankfulness, and cheerfulness. In changing our way of thinking, we can begin to receive God’s benefits. Through humility, we are lead to riches, honor and life. Through willingness, we are lead to joy. Through honor, we are lead to long life. Through compassion, we are lead to God’s grace. Through gladness or cheerfulness, we are lead to God’s love and faithfulness. Through thankfulness, we are lead to victory.

…In changing our way of thinking, we can begin to receive God’s benefits…

Think about it! I get to do my chores because I’m honoring my parents and I will have long life. I get to be thankful for every circumstance, good or bad, and I will have victory and success. I get to go to church, pray and praise God, and I will have God’s joy, love, and faithfulness. I get to surrender to God and I will have riches, honor, and life. I get to tithe and bring offerings and I will have God’s provisions, never lacking anything. Wow! Renew your mind to “I get to!” instead of “I have to…” and watch what God does for you!

Confession for today: “Today, Jesus, I am going to renew my mind with the attitude of “I get to,” because, in doing so, I will receive your glorious benefits for my life: long life, victory, success, joy and all my cares and worries taken care of because I lack nothing.”

Living for Today,

Mr. Tom

Harvest Church