BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Be The One

Day 21

“If you keep quiet at a time like this, God will deliver the Jews from some other source, but you and your relatives will die; what’s more, who can say but that God has brought you into the palace for just such a time as this?”

– Esther 4:14

In 1980, one of the greatest upsets in sports history happened not too far away from here: in Lake Placid, NY. You know it’s a great sports moment when it’s given a name for all to remember: “Miracle on Ice,” as well as the Disney movie, “Miracle.” This miraculous moment occurred during the 1980 Winter Olympics when the USA Men’s hockey team beat the mighty Russian team, to advance and win the gold medal against Finland. This game was boys versus men, college players versus professionals, David versus Goliath.

When putting the team together, U.S. coach Herb Brooks didn’t look for guys who had the most talent, he looked for guys that had the most potential: the ones that were coach-able and could work well together as a team. To get his point across during a practice session he went after his best, and most experienced player, Goalie Jim Craig saying, “I’m not looking for the best players, Craig. I’m looking for the right ones.” From that moment on, they knew to play on this team meant to pay attention and strive toward the goal of winning the “gold” medal, with an I’m-never-going-give-up attitude. From Coach Brooks’ pre-game speech, before they would go toe to toe against the Russians, came the following quote that is copied all over the world to this day, “Great moments are born from great opportunities.”

Just like Coach Brooks picking his team, God isn’t looking for the most gifted, the richest or the smartest. He is just looking for the right ones. Those who are willing to make a difference, no matter the odds or circumstances. In our verse, Esther’s opportunity came because she was placed in a position of influence just at the right time, and in choosing not to remain silent, she became an instrument of great deliverance because Esther chose to be the one!

So when that decisive moment comes in your life, what will you do? Will you deny, ignore, make excuses, or run? Or will you realize that God has put you on the Earth for such a time as this and resolve to face up to your responsibility and go?

God…is looking for…those who are willing to make a difference, no matter the odds or circumstances.

Confession for today: “Today Jesus I choose to be the one, and to make every opportunity a moment where I can be used by you to make a difference in all I do.”

Living for Today,

Mr. Tom

Harvest Church