BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Never Lose Focus

Day 05

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your… (verse 11 – 21)

– Romans 12:9-21

We can do six things that will ensure that we don’t lose any focus in our lives. In fact, if we stay constant in these areas, we can draw closer to God instead of falling away from Him.

Love God – V. 9: Love God, Hate sin! We must make sure that everything we do brings glory to God. We must take a step back and think about each action before we do them and ask, “does this bring Glory to God?” We must realize that everything we do, big or small, should always bring glory and honor to God to show Him how much we love Him.

Love one another – V. 10, 14, 17-18: We must love everyone, at all costs, no matter what people do to us or how they treat us!

Serve the Lord – V. 11: Serve the Lord with passion and zeal and allow His fire to burn inside you. (Daily devotions like this will keep the fire hot!)

Be consistent in prayer – V. 12: A strong prayer life is essential to make it through all of life’s ups and downs and to combat against whatever the enemy throws at you.

Contribute to the needs of others – V. 13, 15, 20-21: If we can learn to keep our focus on the needs of others, we will allow God to move on our behalf. Staying active in serving others will keep the blessings of God active in our lives.

Be Humble – V. 16: Don’t let pride tell you that you don’t need God or that you can do it on your own. Look to help others instead of being critical of them.

…If we stay constant in these areas, we can draw closer to God…

Confession for today: “Holy Spirit, help me each and every day to follow Your Word so that I will not lose focus in my life, but instead always be drawing closer to God in every area of my life.”

Seek Him first!


Harvest Church