BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Joy—A Very Real Force

Day 13

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

– Nehemiah 8:10

Joy is not a warm, happy feeling you are supposed to have now and again when things are going well. It’s so much more than that. Joy is one of the most powerful spiritual forces in the world.

Look again at Nehemiah 8:10. If you break down the sentence and take out the phrase “of the Lord” you would see that it’s saying: Joy is strength. The two are the same. That is what makes Joy so important. You can’t live a life of faith without being strong in the Lord – and when God wants you strong, Joy is what He uses to do the job! Joy is not just a state of mind. It’s not an emotion, it is a very real force, and Satan does not have anything that can stand up against it. Just as fear has to surrender to faith, discouragement has to surrender to Joy.

Joy is one of the most powerful spiritual forces in the world.

Since Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit, you already have it living within you (Galatians 5:22).  But you must develop it and live it out if you want to enjoy the power and strength. Whatever circumstances you are facing today, you can be full of Joy. You can be strong in the Lord. You can draw on this force the Holy Spirit has put within you and come out on top!

Confession for today: “The Joy of the Lord is my strength, and I will walk in that Joy and strength today!”

Remember: Don’t say what you have…HAVE WHAT YOU SAY!!


Miss Lois

Harvest Church