BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Are You on Guard?

Day 07

“Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”

– Romans 12:2

Additional Reading: 1 Peter 5:8-9John 16:33

It’s time for every believer to tune in to the frequencies of heaven. You do this by guarding your ears, your heart (spirit man), and the eye gates of your soul (mind, will and emotions), processing and filtering out all excessive baggage of sin, which has nothing to do with the things of the Spirit of God.

Gossiping, idle talk, sowing discord and confusion, reality shows, movies, or music videos that promote violence and/or sexual immorality are things we as believers need to stay away from indulging in.

More than ever before, we need to guard our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds from all these ungodly activities, because Satan only needs a small gateway to enter in, corrupt our heart, mind and spirit, and get us out of the Will of God.

It may seem harmless to watch and listen to ungodly music and videos, but Satan is cunning and sneaky, and this is an effective method he uses to continually distract, corrupt, and contaminate the minds of young people. God needs your full attention in these changing times. So make no mistake, you are here now in this lifetime because God made you for it!

In the presence of God, allow Him to open your eyes, ears and heart to the free flow of revelation, wisdom and knowledge that is flowing directly from the Holy Spirit of God as you pray and read God’s Word.

More than ever before, we need to guard our eyes, ears, heart, and mind from all these ungodly activities…

Confession for today: “In the Name of Jesus, I ask you Holy Spirit to show me anything that displeases You. I ask You to forgive me for anything my eyes have looked upon that was ungodly. I repent now of anything that my ear gates have listened to or my eye gates have seen that is worldly. Cleanse my eye gates and my ear gates with the Blood of Jesus. Anoint my eyes and ears to receive only from you now, and thank you Jesus for setting me free.”

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Mr. George

Harvest Church