BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Snap The Trap (Part 2)

Day 01

“…But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.”

– 2 Corinthians 10:12

Let’s gain the understanding that we are secure fully in who Jesus is in us and who we are in Him! This will expose the trap of comparison, which tries to ensnare us. We will be free from getting snapped in that trap. The sin of comparison feeds off of insecurity, and insecurity is lack of confidence, self-doubt, and uncertainty.

Our security is in our salvation, and our identity is in who Jesus made us to be and who He is in us. When we look at others it causes us to question how God views us or if He loves us equally to that person.

The way we keep from the trap of comparing ourselves to someone else is if we are reminded who we are made to be. We are loved by God, the children of God, delivered from the powers of darkness, strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and walking in the wisdom of God.

Remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Our security is in our salvation, and our identity is in who Jesus made us to be and who He is in us.

This is what helps us overcome the enemy daily and become more than conquerors and overcomers because of the blood of Jesus!

Stay alert and aware that comparison is a trap set up by the enemy to keep us from walking in all God has given us!!

Is there an area in your life you find that you continually compare to someone else?

What is God’s promise to you in that area?

Confess that promise to walk from that trap!

Walk with the King,


Harvest Church