Day 02
“For this reason, since the day we heard about it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking [specifically] that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [with insight into His purposes], and in understanding [of spiritual things].”
– Colossians 1:9
If someone came to you saying they had a message from your parents, and told you they would be perfectly fine with you not obeying your curfew, would you believe it? Or would you believe it if someone told you that your teachers at school said that it was okay for you to play Candy Crush in class and not do any of your homework? If you’ve spent enough time with your parents or teachers, you would have insight into who they are and how they do things, so you wouldn’t believe that those messages were true.
…we know and understand who God is through His Word.
At the time that Paul wrote this verse, in his letter to the believers in Colossae, there were many false teachings going around. Paul was letting the church at Colossae know that he that was praying that they would have the knowledge and understanding of God’s will and purposes. Paul knew that if the Colossians had insight into who God is and what His will is, it would keep the Colossians from believing false messages and falling into deception.
Just as it was in the time Paul wrote this to the Colossians, the world today is full of false teachings. That’s why it is so important to be reading God’s Word consistently! It will give us insight and understanding into His ways and purposes so that we are not misled by false messages. Be sure to spend time in God’s Word each day so you will be filled with the knowledge of God’s will and know His ways and purposes.
Then, if we hear someone say, “God doesn’t want to heal you because He’s trying to teach you something” we’ll remember God’s Word says, “He bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases.” We’ll know that God is a healer and that Jesus bore our sickness because He didn’t want us to be sick.
Or if someone were to tell us, “God’s okay with sin because we are under grace,” we’ll know that God’s Word says, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” We’ll know and understand that God is never okay with sin and that He wants us to turn away from it. We won’t be deceived by false messages because we know and understand who God is through His Word.
…spend time in God’s Word…be filled with God’s will…
Just as Paul was praying this verse over the believers, your leaders are praying it over you! Be sure to spend time in God’s Word each day so you will be filled with the knowledge of God’s will and know His ways and purposes. Just as you wouldn’t go a day without feeding your physical body, don’t go a day without feeding your spirit God’s Word. It will keep you deception-proof!
Be salt and light,
Miss Dawn