BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Two Gates, Two Choices, Two Outcomes

Day 06

“Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. But the gate to life is very narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.”

– Matthew 7:13-14

Each day we are faced with two gates, two choices, and two outcomes. It’s up to us to find the narrow gate, which leads to life, because the other choice, the wide gate, is death and destruction.

Let’s focus on one of the characteristics of the wide gate, the easy path. The wide and easy path does not restrict your lifestyle in any way, and you can enter through its gate carrying whatever you want. This means that you can easily live life according to the flesh and its lusts, not being hindered in any way. The narrow gate is constricting and requires us to make sure that we do not have all of the baggage of the world strapped to us. I want you to read about the contrasts of the lusts of the flesh vs. the fruit of the Spirit this week in Galatians 5:16-26. As you read it, think about how the fruit of the Spirit can cancel out the works of the flesh in your life. Understand how this can help you gain access through the narrow gate, by not allowing your flesh to restrict you to only being able to stay on the wide and easy road. You have to realize that the enemy wants to keep you weighed down with the desires of the flesh so that you stay on the path to destruction!

The fruit of the Spirit can cancel out the works of the flesh in your life.

What fruit of the Spirit can you try harder to live by, in order to cancel out the lusts of the flesh from controlling your life?

Confession for today: “Holy Spirit, help me to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit on a daily basis in my life so that when the lusts of the flesh try to over take me, I will be well equipped to fight back in the Spirit! Help me to always find and choose the narrow path!”

Seek Him first!


Harvest Church