BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Don’t Hang Out With Fear

Day 16

“I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me  from all my fears.”

– Psalms 34:4

Additional reading: Isaiah 41:10Psalm 56:3Isaiah 26:3

While I was meditating on this verse I decided to look up the word ‘fear’ in the original Hebrew and here is what I discovered. One of the root words for the word ‘fear’ means dwelling place.

That didn’t make much sense to me at first, but as I thought about it, I realized that fear is a place that you go to in your mind. When you think about things that you might be fearful of, it is more likely to be something that is based on a bad thought or idea, rather than a real life threat. Fear is like going to a place in your mind where you hang out with a bad thought.

If you are dealing with fear, seek out God’s promises in His Word concerning that specific bad thought or idea. Take the time and make the effort to pray and find scripture to stand on that targets exactly whatever fearful thought that you have been hanging out with.

God’s Word will renew your mind and take you away from a place of fear and worry and into a place of peace and rest. When it comes to fear, just DON’T GO THERE! Choose instead to hang out in God’s Word and keep your mind fixed on what the Bible says. It’s a much better place to be!

Be salt and light,

Miss Dawn

Harvest Church