BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Love from a Pure Heart

Day 14

“Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly From a pure heart.”

– 1 Peter 1:22

The Bible clearly describes the state in which people will be in during the end times: “…lovers of self” (2 Timothy 3:2). As we can see, our society is becoming more “self-centered” as people focus only on their own lives. Where we are right now in history is even being referred to as a “selfie culture.” That is a good indication of where the majority of people are aiming their affection. How then do we live a life outwardly focused toward others, caring about the needs and well-being of the world around us?

The Holy Spirit on the inside of us fills us with the sincere love of Christ. This causes us to love from a “pure heart,” which means that we think about others before ourselves, and show it through kindness and gentleness in a harsh, selfish world. Can you be selfless in a selfish world?

In what ways can you be outward-focused today?

Confession for today: “Lord, through Your love, make in me a pure heart. I ask that You help me to be aware of moments when I would selfishly put myself first, so that I may instead selflessly turn my focus toward others today, in order to show them the sincere love of Christ.”

Walk with the King,


Harvest Church