BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

You Have the Victory

Day 07

“But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory – making us conquerors through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

– 1 Corinthians 15:57

Additional Reading: Romans 8:29-39 (Biblegateway)

Conquerors, that’s what the Bible says we are. Let the reality of that sink in. Spend some time thinking about what it really means.

The dictionary says that victory means: “final and complete supremacy or superiority in battle or war, success in any contest or struggle involving the defeat of an opponent or the overcoming of obstacles.” To conquer means: “to get the better of in competition or struggle, to master, suppress, prevail over, overwhelm, to gain superiority, to subdue, to vanquish, to crush, to defeat.”

Situations can sometimes look so challenging, you might be tempted to think they are hopeless or you’ll never be able to overcome them. But that’s not what Almighty God says about you. His power and ability to overcome everything the devil tries to throw at you lives in you. The Holy Spirit is the Great One, whose power and ability will cause you to triumph every time (2 Corinthians 2:14).

In God, no situation is helpless because of His Anointing. The Anointing is the very dunamis—the mighty power of God—at work in you and your situation, but you must believe it. You have to trust Him to help you rather than trying everything you know to turn the situation around yourself. Jesus said, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22) or have the God kind of faith!

Stay Connected,

Mr. George

Harvest Church