BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Will You Trust Me?

Day 03

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise.”

– Hebrews 10:23

Additional Reading: Psalm 91 (Biblegateway)

God is calling us to stop leaning on our own understanding, which is our version of the way we think He should lead our lives. Instead, He is asking us, “Will you trust Me?” The invitation is to the complete surrender of allowing Him to work His Plan – carrying out His way in our lives.

The Hebrew word “Korban” is translated “sacrifice” in the Bible, which simply means “to draw near.” The safest but sometimes most uncomfortable place on earth is right in the middle of His plans for you. Sometimes He does His most miraculous work in the middle of our greatest fear.

Will you trust Him with your disappointments? Your fears? Your struggles? Your life? It’s not always easy, but I have discovered that, yes, I can trust Him. He is always there. He always loves me. He carries me and never leaves me. He comforts me and encourages me to keep my eyes on Him.

A great man of God once said, “Dare to trust God.”

Confession for today: “Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask you to help me in my times of trusting and obeying, to move aside my thoughts and allow You, Your Word, and Your Holy Spirit and His way of operating to move in my life. I will obey Him immediately and wholeheartedly so I can walk closely with you and enjoy the benefits of my obedience. AMEN.”

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Mr. George

Harvest Church