BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Shame of Sin No More

Day 10

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

– 1 John 1:9

Sin and falling short of the glory of God can take a toll on us as time goes on. Everyone has messed up and fallen short. When we mess up and sin in this life, we have to remember that there is a God who loves us and forgives us when we truly repent.

I will be the first to admit that I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God in multiple ways through my walk with Christ. There was a stretch of time where I didn’t “feel” worthy to pray over people or to be used in any way because I felt the things that I did were too detrimental in my own eyes. To myself, and to most people who are dealing with things and struggling, the situation or issue seems too big or the sin we are guilty of is “too bad” to come back from. When this lie of Satan arrives in your mind, it can bring on a lot of sin and shame. This guilt starts to press in and the devil becomes happy because, during these states of shame and guilt, we are stagnant in use for God.

I am here to tell you that God is a forgiving God. He sent His son down to the filthy world just to be the sacrificial lamb for us. He did this so when we fall short and sin, we can be forgiven and be free mentally, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually.

You see there are two parts to forgiveness – for myself I believed wholeheartedly that Jesus forgave me and that I would one day be with Him in Heaven as I truly repented and turned my ways. But the second part was to forgive myself, something that I struggled with for almost a year. It kept me in a bad place and I couldn’t enter into worship at times. I was not allowing myself to be used, so I decided to lean on the scripture in 2 Corinthians that states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, the new is here!”

I had to set in my mind and spirit that I was a new creature, that the old way of thinking and the old sin, shame, and guilt were tossed away. I was made brand new again by Christ! I eventually found revelation in this and now know that I really am a new creature for Christ!

…God is a forgiving God, and He sent His son down to the filthy world just to be the sacrificial lamb for us.

Maybe you have sinned in the past and you feel you can’t forgive yourself or that Jesus can’t forgive you…. Know this: nothing is too big for God! Nothing! Ask for forgiveness and turn to Him and He will be there to comfort you!

God is good… all the time… all the time…


Harvest Church