BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Keep Paddling Upstream

Day 13

“Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.”

– Psalm 141:3

Let me ask you a question. Do you really believe that you need to guard your mouth? Most Christians don’t and you can tell that just by listening to what they say. They will talk about being broke, being sick, or not succeeding in life and, the more they talk about the problems, the worse the problems get. But if you try to tell them they are broke, sick or lacking because that is what they believed and spoke out of their mouth, they look at you like you have lost your mind.

Now, if you dig into the Bible and find out what it has to say, you would realize that the words we speak have a tremendous impact on our lives. If you have made Jesus your Lord, you have already experienced the most powerful example of that. You believed with your heart and said that Jesus is your Lord, and you changed the course of your life. You know just how powerful your words are!

If you are like me, you may still find that speaking faith-filled words all the time is tough to do. That’s because the world around you is in a negative flow. Like a rushing river, it’s always pulling at you, trying to get you to flow with it. Living by faith and speaking faith-filled words is like trying to paddle upstream. You can do it – but it’s a lot of work. If you relax a little bit, you will just start drifting right back down the river of negative speaking.

Make a decision right now to watch what you say. Determine to fill your mouth with God’s words and everything you say will take you a little further upstream!

Confession for today: “I allow the Lord to set a guard over my mouth and keep a watch over the door of my lips,” (Psalm 141:3).


Miss Lois

Harvest Church