Day 05
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
– 1 John 4:4
“Under the circumstances…” “I suppose I’m doing pretty well under the circumstances.” Have you ever caught yourself saying that? If you have, I want you to kick those words right out of your vocabulary. You are a child of God! You have no business living your life “under” your circumstances or letting problems and situations rule over you.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus – the One who is in you – ruined the devil’s kingdom. Through His death on the Cross, He legally entered hell and stripped the devil of everything. He took the devil’s authority. He took all of the devil’s armor. Jesus bound the devil, spoiled his kingdom and triumphed over all of his power. Then Jesus turned around and gave that power, authority and armor to us. Praise God! Remember that! Because He lives in you, you have the victory. You never have to live “under the circumstances” again!
Confession for today: “I am of God and have overcome the world. For He Who is in me is greater than he who is in the world” (1John 4:4).
*Something George and I pray everyday: “God’s favor goes before us, opening doors no man can shut, changing rules, regulations and policies on our behalf when necessary.”
I can tell you that so many times God has worked on our behalf. I know He will do it for you. Be blessed!!
Miss Lois