BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Fear Can Frustrate

Day 04

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, timidity and anxiety, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

– 2 Timothy 1:7

Additional Reading: Judges 6 (Biblegateway)

Fear, which is a root word of anxiety, is running rampant in this world. Over 50% of Americans are now considered to have some sort of mental ailment and another 70% of those Americans are medicated regularly to battle fear and anxiety. It is not by chance that the Bible, over 80 times throughout its scriptures, mentions the term “fear not.” God knows all things and knows that fear and anxiety can not only frustrate you in your walk of life, but it can hinder you.

We see in the scripture above that when we are fearful, we will lose power, love, and self-discipline or self-control. These are key components to being successful in our spiritual walks as Christians! I feel that a lack of faith births fear and if you truly trust in God for all things no matter what, then you won’t fear. Faith will push fear out!

Now there are multiple forms of fear. One could be fear of something specific like the dark or heights. These phobias are usually triggered by past experiences that are not pleasant. Then there is fear of the future, fear of the unknown, you name it. No matter what form the enemy’s tactics take, speak to them in the name of Jesus and send them back to where they came from. Fear has no place in your body, mind or Spirit!

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

– Matthew 34

Another word for fear could be worry. The Word says don’t worry! This world is moving a million miles a second, so take each day one at a time. Do devotions and conquer each day, for the day has enough trouble of its own. I want to encourage you to have the opposite of fear and anxiety: have faith! Have faith that God will take care of you this day. Have faith that God has your back and has nothing but the best for you. All we need is faith not fear!

Thoughts: Do you have anxiety, fear or worry? Pray these strongholds off of your life and find God’s peace in Faith!

God is good… all the time… all the time…


Harvest Church