BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Direct Revelation

Day 18

“For indeed I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through a direct revelation given by Jesus Christ.”

– Galatians 1:12

When it comes to praying for the salvation of other people, this scripture boosts my faith and gives me so much hope. In your own life, I am sure that there are those that have been on the receiving end of a Word of Truth you have shared, or spiritual encouragement that has its basis in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, on the outside, there is no change, maybe not even an acknowledgement of what you said. Your heart is to see salvation spring up in this person’s heart and your spirit longs to see them walking in the full knowledge of Jesus. You know that if this person picks up the revelation of the freedom of the cross, everything would change. But it just doesn’t seem to be clicking.

Rejoice over the seeds you are planting! The process does not stop here.

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was making it grow and [He] gave the increase.”

– 1 Corinthians 3:6 (AMPC)

You are a link to salvation for this person, whether it takes place in prayer with you or sometime down the road. You may not see the fruit, but you are vital!

God unveiled and revealed Himself to Paul (then Saul) directly when He saw fit and was pleased (Gal. 1:15 and 16). Saul zealously persecuted the church and actually tried to destroy it and make havoc of it (v. 13). But at a time designated by the Lord, God unveiled His Son within Saul so that God might use him to proclaim Christ among the Gentiles and spread the glad tidings of the Gospel (v. 16).

A revelation is something disclosed that was not formerly realized. God discloses Himself and His will to His people. We hear stories often of The Lord making Himself known to someone in a jail cell, in a remote location, in the night when they are alone, in dreams, etc. We need to have faith that says, “Lord, You revealed Yourself to Paul by direct revelation, no one taught him or told him. That is in Your nature, you do not change, so I believe You still disclose the Gospel directly to people as it is pleasing and fit for You.

Verses 22–24 in Galatians 1 talk about how people had heard that the man who was persecuting the church was converted and proclaiming faith in Jesus, but did not know him by sight.

“And they glorified God [as the Author and Source of what had taken place] in me.”

– Galatians 1:24 (AMPC)

Let’s remember we are delivery people of the Truth and are directly connected to the Author and Source. He gets the glory for every good work! Hallelujah!

Your sister in Christ,


Harvest Church