Don’t Get Bent Out of Shape
Day 09 “In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength (might and inflexibility to temptation) in my inner self.” – Psalms 138:3 Have you ever felt like you were about to snap?
We as believers should not be afraid of any chaotic situations going on in our country. We need to put our complete trust in God. As you read in Matthew 14:22-32, look at Jesus as He directed His disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side of the sea. When evening had come, Jesus decided to go to His disciples in the boat. The sea was already very wavy from the blowing wind. Once the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, they were afraid. But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying, “Be of good cheer. It is I, do not be afraid.” Peter said, “If it is you, Lord, command me to come,” and Jesus said, “Come.” Peter did walk on the water unafraid at first but, when he saw the waves, he became afraid and started to sink. Peter cried out “Lord, save me.” Verse 31 says that Jesus stretched out His hand immediately and caught him. Jesus said to him, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Peter had a short burst of faith as he started to walk on the water, but then he gave in to a second thought and started to doubt. You are going to need more than a short burst of faith in these times, so don’t give in to second thoughts or doubts in your mind, You have the mind of Christ! I believe that after Jesus stretched out His hand, they both walked back to the boat, as Peter was no longer afraid. He was with the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God.
We…should not be afraid of any chaotic situations going on in our country. We need to put our complete trust in God.
Remember, Jesus told them to go to the other side, so the way was already made for them, no matter what. Jesus said it! If you think that you are in that boat and the wind and waves are rocking the boat, Jesus said, “go to the other side, be of good cheer and do not be afraid…” You can reach out and touch Jesus’ hand by reading God’s Word and fellowshipping with Him for every situation you find yourself in. Remember, Jesus said, “Come.” That’s what we have to do: come to Him with His Word in our hearts and not be afraid. The way has already been made. Let the Holy Spirit help and guide you. Read about Him in John 14:16-17, 26-27. The Word of God is all you need.
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Mr. George