BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional


Day 21

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

– Proverbs 3:5-6

The story of Job gives us an example of how to trust in God no matter what. Everything Job had was taken away. In spite of this, Job never gave up on God. He never placed his trust in his possessions, or wealth, and especially not his friends. In the end, even though he was angry and in despair — who wouldn’t have? — he displayed amazing faith to trust God even though he couldn’t understand everything he went through. The results in the end for his trust in God? Job was blessed and rewarded greater than he was in the beginning.

When our life is going smoothly, trust is easy. The test of trust always comes when life stops making sense. In the verse above, to “lean on” is used in the sense of relying upon or trusting someone or something for help or protection. Think of a cane; we trust it to support us. If it didn’t, we would fall and most likely get hurt. So when we rely on our own understanding, it is like that cane that can’t support us and lets us fall. In the end, trusting our friends, abilities, experiences, or knowledge likely will let us down.

Acknowledging the Lord in all our ways means keeping Him in mind in everything we do. He wants us to remember to trust and obey Him, so He can guide our lives in everything we do. “He shall direct your paths,” suggests that God will “smooth” or “make straight” the road of our lives. This is a promise that God will go before us and remove all of the obstacles from our path.

Acknowledging the Lord in all our ways means keeping Him in mind in everything we do.

Confession for today: “Today, Jesus, I place my trust in You no matter what circumstances I may face. I acknowledge You in all that I do, and that You go before me in making a path, removing any obstacle, so I’m blessed and have success in all that I do.”

Living for today,

Mr. Tom

Harvest Church