BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional


Day 14


“All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for… (verse 16b)

– 2 Timothy 3:16

The Word of God is our Standard; our gauge by which we determine all things, by and how we measure what is right and wrong, what is holy or unholy, what is truth or what is a lie. As we study the Word and live by it, when situations arise we are already set with what our Standard is: what we stand for, what our check points are and what we believe). “Standard” by definition is: the basis by which we determine as acceptable or unacceptable, a goal set, a place of refuge, safest route.

Today we will start to look at the acronym for the word STANDARD. Let’s start with “S”: Salvation.

1 – Everyone needs salvation: Romans 3:10-12

2 – The price or consequence of sin is death: Romans 6:23

3 – Jesus Christ died for our sins; He paid the price for our death.

4 – We receive salvation and eternal life through faith in Jesus.

5 – Salvation through Jesus Christ brings us into a relationship of peace with God: Romans 5:1

Each of us is able to gain salvation through faith by God’s grace. Once we do this we have benefits of salvation. Can you remember when you, by faith, asked Jesus to come into your heart as Savior? At that moment, your walk with the Lord began. This is a relationship you should be building on which will increase deeper each day. In salvation, we come into a place where we are children of God and joint heirs with Jesus. The Holy Spirit of God dwells inside of us now, and we are always loved unconditionally. This is one family tree that will grow throughout eternity. As part of this family, we are guaranteed our heritage, which is of a sinless spiritual nature and we can have holiness as our go to attitude!

In salvation, we come into a place as a child of God where we are joint heirs with Jesus.

Our prayer for you is to walk in the full knowledge of your salvation and the assurance that you are a child of God, operating in the power that is in you as you allow the Holy Spirit to stir up the gifts inside you!!! Today, be confident in who you are and whose you are, because you are saved!!

Walk with the King…


Harvest Church