BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional


Day 28

“Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions.”

– Proverbs 18:2

In a world where social media is so valued, voicing your opinions couldn’t be any easier – just post it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, wherever! When it comes to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, how easy is it to form an opinion of someone, good or bad? The best part of all of this, you may never have to say a word directly to any person you are commenting on. Think about it: companies pay big money to have people run their social media accounts and help weed out any damaging publicity. What about opinions on hotels or restaurants? They are there and probably will determine if you stay or eat there. I even found reviews on churches – check out some of them…

1 star – “Because everyone on the worship team wore flannel.”

1 star – “Because the worship leader looked like he just mowed his grass.”

1 star – “For false advertising – the church actually has walls.”

4 stars – “Because there was no worship music after the sermon.”

What about the woman who got kicked out before she even sat down because she had brought her dog with her, in her purse? What do you think her church review would be?

For our church lets have some fun…

5 stars – “For that dope drummer.”

0 stars – “Because they sang the same song for 1 hour and I couldn’t drink my coffee.”

5 stars – “Because I can get up on Sunday, get ready for church, throw my kids into the van with their PJs on, and even get them fed pancakes when they get there.”

1 star – “Every week I show up the Pastor is preaching on Mark 4”

3 stars – “if I knew I was going to run during worship, then I would have just worn my gym clothes. Plus I got very sweaty!”

Obviously a little silly, but the point is that you can form an opinion on anything. Every one has an opinion and your opinion may have validity, but it is what it is: your opinion! In expressing our opinions, Paul pointed some things out (Romans 14:19 and 22), “make effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification,” and there are some things that we need to “keep between ourselves and God.” God wants us to treat the people we are around every day as if they are more important than us (Philippians 2:3). So when it comes to their opinions, assume that they carry more weight than ours. In the end, if you are in doubt about expressing your opinions to them, then just keep it to yourself and decide not to quarrel over them (Romans 14:1).

Confession for today: “Jesus, help me to examine my thoughts and opinions in every conversation, so that I may not be quarrelsome. Help me to bring peace to every conservation that I may edify those I’m around and open doors to be a witness for your kingdom.”

Living for Today,

Mr. Tom.

Harvest Church