BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

No Fear Here (Part 2)

Day 13

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind (self-control).”

– 2 Timothy 1:7

The devil can’t do anything apart from fear. When you think about a lie and speak fear, it activates the lie in your life. Do not allow yourself to receive and speak the thought! Jesus said in Matthew 6:31, “Therefore, take no thought, saying, ‘What should we eat or drink or wear?'” When a negative thought of evil comes against your mind, CAST IT DOWN – OUT LOUD! (2 Corinthians 10:5). Because Satan cannot hear your thoughts, only your spoken words, you must fight thoughts with words. You cannot fight thoughts with thoughts. (Mark 11:22-24).

Speak against the fear and cast it down. Then speak God’s WORD over the situation and rejoice in the truth. Do it until your mind is renewed to the truth of what God has to say about it. There is no fear in God’s love. Fear connects us to the devil the same way faith connects us to our Heavenly Father. Jesus bought and paid for your freedom from fear. God has given you the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind – the very same mind that He has.

Confession for today: “I am free from fear because God has not given me a spirit of fear, but I have the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. I have the mind of Christ, and the wisdom of God is in me. I am a child of faith, not of fear. I am the redeemed of The Lord. He is on my side, therefore I will not fear. He has opened the door of righteousness (right standing with God) and I have walked in.”


BTW: Since I can remember having a favorite verse in the Bible, by far, this has been my favorite. It has seen me through many trials where fear attempted to overtake me. Praise God! His Word is powerful and true. I walk and live without fear because of what Jesus did for me!


Miss Lois

Harvest Church