BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Wind in the Word (Part 1)

Day 06

“And Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an east wind upon the land all that day and all that night; when it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts.”

– Exodus 10:13

Additional reading: Exodus 10:1b – 2

In the Old Testament, The Lord uses wind to show us His nature. He used it to demonstrate His mighty working power not only to those present, but to generations to come, “that it might be recounted in the ears of their sons and grandsons.” In this passage, The Lord does something terrible and extreme. The plagues sent upon the land were to show Pharaoh that God confirms His Word and purposes. The Words of Truth divinely inspired and spoken by Moses (“let my people go”) were meant to agitate the status quo to bring about a mighty shift. Man said ‘no,’ but that will never thwart the plan of God, nor will it disturb His timing! God will never speak a word to you and I and not follow it with signs to confirm it. We must remain steady as Moses and His people did, to experience the wonder works of our Mighty God.

The Old Testament is filled with other uses of wind as a word picture of God’s mighty nature. In Ecclesiastes it describes what people can chase after, the fleeting things of life instead of the permanence of salvation and Kingdom living. In the Psalms it is used to demonstrate God’s movement – He carries wind in His fists, He walks on the wings of the wind, the wind fulfills His orders, He brings wind out of His storehouses and treasuries, and He makes wind His messengers. In Daniel 7:2, wind is described as social and political agitations that stir up the nations of the world.

The Words of Truth divinely inspired and spoken by Moses were meant to agitate the status quo to bring about a mighty shift.

Let’s reflect on these things and remember that we serve the same wonder working God as He who demonstrated His power to change Pharaoh’s mind. God will never leave His people forsaken. He carries wind in His fists, and creates movement in our personal lives to bring about His mighty plan.

Your sister in Christ,


Harvest Church