BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Hide and Seek

Day 17

Additional Reading: Psalm 32:7Psalm 119:114

If you’ve ever played the game “hide and seek,” you know that having a great hiding place is key. If you have a great place to hide, it will keep you hidden and out of reach from your opponent. This advantage keeps you in the game. Eventually your opponent gives up and you become the winner.

Just like the opponent in the game of hide and seek, we have an enemy who is seeking to get an advantage over us so he can get us “out.” God has designated a perfect place for us to be hidden and safe from our adversary.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the MOST HIGH, shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY.”

– Psalm 91:1

While it can be intimidating to think that there is an enemy who is seeking to do you harm, this verse tells us that we can be hidden under the ALL MIGHTY and MOST HIGH God! The next verse in Psalm 91 says, “I will SAY of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him I will trust.”

Spending time in God’s presence and declaring out of your mouth, “God is my refuge and fortress! He is my God and I trust in Him!” puts you in that perfect hiding place that keeps you out of reach of the enemy. Read through Psalm 91 once a day for the next week.  Meditate on God’s promise of protection, and establish the truth in your heart that God’s presence is the place we go to experience His love and protection. When we face trouble, the enemy likes to point you to the things of this world, such as wrong relationships, alcohol, or ungodly forms of entertainment to be your hiding place so that he can gain access to your life. Don’t come out from your perfect hiding place.

Spending time in God’s presence and declaring out of your mouth, “God is my refuge and fortress! He is my God and I trust in Him!” puts you in that perfect hiding place that keeps you out of reach of the enemy.

When you stay under God’s protection and let Him be your place of safety and refuge, you will outlast difficulty and you’ll always come out the winner.

Be salt and light,

Miss Dawn

Harvest Church