BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Feeling Surrounded?

Day 10

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

– Psalm 23: 4

Additional Reading: Psalm 91:14-16

This insert comes from a worship song that I cannot get enough of as of late. The song is SURROUNDED by the Upper Room. Like many devotions before this one, I implore you to spend time worshiping your Creator each day! This is so vital in your relationship with God! Like the song says numerous times, “this is how I fight my battles!” We are meant to fight our battles in life not in the flesh and blood as this world does, but in the spirit through worship, praise, prayer and meditation! The main part of the song starts to talk about being surrounded by the things of this world, but what we need to know is that God surrounds us, so what could be wrong! What fear? What disappointment? What overwhelming feeling could OUT SURROUND GOD? NONE! The lyric goes, “It may look like I’m surrounded, but I am surrounded by You!” What an anointed statement! No matter how surrounded you feel today, no matter what you are facing today, know that God surrounds you and has you in is His arms.

We are meant to fight our battles in life not in the flesh and blood as this world does, but in the spirit through worship, praise, prayer and meditation!

I wanted to encourage you with something as you embark in new endeavors in life. This was something I was encouraged with by my wife while going through some of the most difficult phases of my career. She always told me, “Do you think that God got you to this place to let you go now?”

If God brought you to that college or gave you that promotion at work and you feel overwhelmed now that you are there, know that God is a God of completion! He sees you 100% through the blessing and the door that He has opened for you. He would never leave or forsake you in the middle of a blessing! Hold on to this truth as you embark on the new adventures and blessed doors that only God can open in your life!

Thank you, to my beautiful bride, for being the spiritual powerhouse you are!

Are you feeling overwhelmed today? How are you going to overcome and fight back with those things that are overwhelming you? Fight back in the Spirit!

God is good… all the time… all the time…


Harvest Church