BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Are You Distracted?

Day 31

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you.”

– Isaiah 26:3

Distractions are everywhere. In today’s fast paced, connected world, it can be challenging to keep your focus.

Peace depends upon your ability to keep your mind in one place: stayed on Him. The absence of Peace is the product of a wandering mind. You must build your ability to stay focused or you risk your peace. We need to stay focused on the Word (seed) and we have to receive it into our lives. That is the message Jesus taught in Matthew 13 & Mark 4.

You need to have the Word of God (seed) be in the good ground of your spiritual heart, where you hear it and understand it, so that you can get a harvest. To get that harvest, you have to value the Word, honor the Word, and refuse to be distracted from the Word.

Remember, the devil is like a master pickpocket, always trying to steal the Word from you. There are things you can do to guarantee that the Word will take root in your life and produce fruit. Make it a habit to spend time in the Word and in prayer. Make a quality decision to keep your mind on God’s Word.

Stay connected,

Mr. George

Harvest Church