BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Peace by Peace

Day 15

“Blessed are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they shall be called the sons of God!”

– Matthew 5:9 (AMPC)

Additional reading: Philippians 4:6-7Ephesians 6:15

We live in a chaotic world. All around us people are angry and upset, carrying with them hurts and offenses, just waiting for the slightest trigger to set them off so that they can react in the way that the world EXPECTS them to react; whether it be by telling someone off face to face (in the most colorful way possible), or unleashing their negativity on social media or through texts in a flood of regrettable posts or comments (ever been there?). There is an obvious lack of peace in the world, and therefore a great need for peacemakers and maintainers!

Are we striving to be makers and maintainers of peace each and every day? As believers, living in this day and age, we have a responsibility to put on the armor of God daily, which includes the “Shoes of the Gospel of Peace!” God’s peace allows us to walk through any environment and every situation, regardless of the spiritually hostile terrain which we may face. It is up to us to set the standard according to God’s Word by NOT reacting the way that the world EXPECTS us to react when our peace is challenged!

God’s peace allows us to walk through any environment and every situation…

I once heard a preacher say that we should strive to be “thermostats” and not “thermometers” for the Kingdom of God! Thermometers merely take the temperature in a room, and thus do nothing more than reflect the temperature around them. While a thermostat has the ability to change the temperature in its environment, affecting change! Let’s make every effort to be thermostats for the Kingdom of God, allowing Him to use us to be makers and maintainers of peace in His name!

Ask yourself, “Does my presence make a difference wherever I go? What can I do  differently in situations to better make and maintain peace instead of making matters worse?”

Confession for today: “Lord, use me today for Your will and purpose. Thank You for Your peace that is upon me which allows me to affect change everywhere I go. Help me to be an environment changer, a situation diffuser, a chaos nullifier, a peacemaker and a maintainer!”

Fight the good fight of faith!


Harvest Church