Day 21
“Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
– Psalms 37:4
“So we aren’t yet millionaires, but let’s pretend that we are.”
In the 1900’s a married couple set out to become millionaires, and like a lot of people during those times, whatever riches and investments they achieved became losses due to “The Great Depression.” The man wanted to give up, run away, and divorce his wife. His wife wasn’t going let him off the hook that easily and said to him, “So we aren’t yet millionaires, but let’s pretend that we are.” So this is what they did. To start, they printed out a bunch of fake money, and the wife said, “What would you buy first?” The man said, “I will purchase some land.” Again the wife asked a question, “Now that you have land, what are you going to do with it?” The man replied, “I’m going to build on my land some apartments to rent, add some hotels, and sell some of my land to the railroad.” After a short time of playing this made-up game with each other, they realized that they could sell it as an actual game. They made their pitch to a company called Parker Brothers, but were shot down. They didn’t give up though, and instead traveled across the country to fairs and market places selling the game they created. It became such a success that Parker Brothers came back to them and offered to buy the game for one million dollars, making the couple millionaires. Today we all know this popular board game as: Monopoly.
In our story, desire is what drove the man and his wife to not give up, no matter the circumstances they faced, in becoming millionaires. In the Bible when it says “take delight in the Lord,” it means to gain great pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness, then the desires of our hearts will be granted. But when our desires are killed or derailed, frustration sets in to the point where we want to say, “Oh well, what’s the point?” and give up not only on our desires, but sometimes even on God. Who kills or derails our desires? The devil.
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
– John 10:10 (AMPC)
Determine today that you aren’t going to let that happen. Simply “delight” in God and, whatever your desires are, write them down and confess them so you can achieve all that God has planned for your life!!!
Confession for today: “Today I’m not going to let the devil rob me of my heart’s desires, and I’m going to find pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness in my relationship with Jesus, so I can achieve all that God has for my life.”
Living for today,
Mr. Tom