BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Hearken to Wisdom

Day 06

“But whoso hearkens to me (Wisdom) shall dwell securely and in confident trust and shall be quiet, without fear or dread of evil.”

– Proverbs 1:33

What an amazing gift that we have as believers: access to skillful and Godly wisdom. Proverbs 2:6-7 says, “the Lord gives skillful and Godly wisdom, from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding… the Lord stores up wisdom for the righteous.”  So as wisdom is available, stored up and ready to be distributed to us, let us hearken to it.  Reading the Word of God daily, as well as bringing it with us during our day (written in our day planners, in our phones, etc.) to rehearse it, is heeding the wisdom of the Word. As we spend more time in the Word and in prayer, the Holy Spirit will give us direct revelation and wisdom on a continual basis.

The wisdom that we receive from the Lord is not limited to a broad picture and scope of our lives. It does give us the steps and timing that we need to move into our God-given destinies, but it also is precise for the moments of the day. The word skillful paints the picture of accuracy and effectiveness.  It lets us know that the Lord wants to give us the skills needed for success in His awesome plan. So whatever you are facing – maybe it is a new task, a new season, a tough conversation, a complicated social situation – trust that the Lord not only gives His ideas, but His skill to carry it out!

Reading the Word of God daily, as well as bringing it with us during our day (written in our day planners, in our phones, etc) to rehearse it, is heeding the wisdom of the Word.

Proverbs 1:33 says that when we listen to wisdom, we shall live securely and confidently, and we shall be quiet, without fear or dread of evil.

Take a look at Proverbs 15:15.  How does this scripture relate to Proverbs 1:33?

If you are battling despondency or the feeling that something bad is going to happen (evil foreboding), you can bind it up! That is a strategy of the enemy, to bring fear into our lives and for us to perceive our day through a lens of deception. Evil forebodings can keep us out of the timely Kingdom living that the Lord designed for the day, because our minds and emotions are tied up with dread. Cleave to Godly Wisdom today and apply what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. It may be in direct opposition to what the world may tell you, but Godly wisdom yields a peaceable result (James 3:17-18)!

Your sister in Christ,


Harvest Church