BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Simple Things to Extraordinary Things

Day 04

“The LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.”

– Exodus 4:2

Additional Reading: Genesis 26:1-35
(The story of Isaac –  a normal guy with normal guy thoughts and problems.)
Bible Gateway

A stick… it doesn’t get much simpler than that! Keeping things simple can be such a vital part of our walk with the Lord. Maybe today or at some point in your walk with the Lord you thought to yourself, “I am nothing special. How could God use me?” God wants you to know that you are special; you were created in His image, and He has great plans for you. He loves you more than you can imagine. Throughout the Bible God used simple people to do simple tasks! When I read this scripture above, God dropped this word in my spirit about keeping things simple!  A staff… a stick… God used it in a mighty way as Moses went on to do his mighty tasks. Not to mention, Moses was a simple man before being called of the Lord to do great and mighty things! Do you think he was confident and thought he would be used by God to speak before pharaoh with a speech impediment? No, but he simplified his thoughts and trusted in God to take his simple life and his simple staff to do mighty things!

Today and every day I want you to trust in God more than ever; and not look at your life as a typical high school student, or young adult in college, or an employee at a company. Instead, remember God uses simple things to do the extraordinary things in your life and in the lives of those around you! All God requires is Simple Faith! Faith like a child, faith the size of a mustard seed… these seem simple, yet you can move mountains with that kind of faith! Never think that God can’t do BIG things in your life and use you for His kingdom because He has used many ordinary people to do great things!

God uses simple things to do the extraordinary things in your life and in the lives of those around you!

Confession for today: “Lord, there are times when I think my day to day is so simple and my life is filled with monotony, but today I want to change my thinking and have simple faith in You to do extraordinary things!”

How do you look at your life?

How does God look at your life?

What are some things you need to change?

God is good… all the time… all the time…


Harvest Church