BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

God’s Compassion

Day 03

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope, because of the Lord’s great Love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is Your  faithfulness.”

– Lamentations 3:21-23

Additional reading: Psalm 103:1-4,5-7

God is faithful and full of compassion; He never runs out of it, but for it to do you any good you have to remember it. You have to remind yourself of it again and again in order to ignite your faith and hope in God. As it becomes a part of you, you will be more prepared for difficult situations you may run into at home, school, work, or anywhere else. You will need to make it a point every morning (that would be a great time) to remind yourself of God’s faithfulness to you. Remind yourself of the promises that are yours in Jesus

You have to remind yourself of it again and again in order to ignite your faith and hope in God.

Here are some of the promises from Psalm 103. Say and confess them out loud to yourself!

– He forgives all of my sins!

– He heals all of my diseases!

– He redeems my life from destruction!

– He crowns me with love and compassion!

– He satisfies my desires with good things!

– He renews my youth like the eagles!

– He executes righteousness and justice for me against oppression!

– He sets me free!

– He makes His ways known to me!

– He gives me His grace and mercy when I need it!

I challenge you to prayerfully read these promises out load, daily. You will be stronger in faith and more confident of God’s love than you have ever been. Don’t just settle for knowing God’s promises, remember them every day. His promises will come alive in you!

Do you need to have God’s promises in your heart? (Start with these!)

Confession for today: “I remember God’s promises toward me today, and He is always faithful to me!”

Stay connected,

Mr. George

Harvest Church