BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

S.T.A.N.D.A.R.D. (Part 6)

Day 23


“But you have an anointing from the Holy One…”

– 1 John 2:20

Our next letters in our acronym are A for Anointing and R for Responsibility. You are anointed, you have been anointed, and you have the anointing of God in you! Now you may be saying, “What does that mean for me today?”

Maybe you think that is only for the pastors, when they are in church and praying for people. The anointing came when we received Jesus as our Savior, and this anointing that is in you and on you is for a purpose and a reason.

Read these next scriptures:

Luke 2:25-27: The Holy Spirit was on Simon just as the Holy Spirit is on you for the purpose of revealing to you God’s will and moving you to be at the right place at the right time.

Luke 4:18: We learn the Spirit of the Lord is upon us and has equipped us to do great things!

Acts 1:8: The promise that comes with the filling of the Holy Spirit is that you shall receive power and you shall be given power, ability, efficiency, and might!

Acts 10:38: In this same anointing that was on Jesus with the Holy Spirit, and with strength and ability and power, He went about “doing” good…You can also go about and “do good.”

This means for YOU that His anointing has effects. It equips us, enlightens us, and energizes us!! You are anointed! You are enabled to do the work of the Lord in your circle of influence. The gift of the anointing is to be used; this is your part, taking the responsibility of what you have been given and using it. Through His anointing, you are enabled to do what you cannot do on your own.

What do you need the anointing to help you accomplish today?

To witness: boldness, right words, opportunity?

To walk in favor? The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice.

To overcome temptation? God’s holiness is in you, which is the knowledge of right and wrong – it is your way out.

Confession for today: “Thank you Lord for Your anointing on my life. You have given me a responsibility with the power to speak the right words to the right people. I am energized to do the good works that You have assigned for me to accomplish today. With the anointing from Above, I know Your will for this day. In Jesus Name, I will complete each task You have for me to do with efficiency and might, Amen!”

Walk with the King…


Harvest Church