Don’t Get Bent Out of Shape
Day 09 “In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength (might and inflexibility to temptation) in my inner self.” – Psalms 138:3 Have you ever felt like you were about to snap?
This verse tells us that when we keep our thoughts focused on trusting in God, He will give us PERFECT PEACE.
Did you know that we have the ability to keep our thoughts on whatever we decide to think about? No one can make us think something unless we accept that thought. We are in charge of the thoughts we allow ourselves to think. The Bible says we can take our thoughts captive and make them obey. (See 2 Corinthians 10:5).
We should be careful about what we think about! We should never let the devil steal our perfect peace by trying to make us think wrong thoughts. We can use this verse to take wrong thoughts captive by saying, “I have perfect peace because I trust in God!”
When we do, we’ll keep wrong thoughts out and God’s peace in.
Be salt and light,
Miss Dawn