BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Instruments of Restoration

Day 18

“Sing to God, sing praises to His name, cast up a highway for Him Who rides through the deserts – His name is the Lord – be in high spirits and glory before Him!”

– Psalm 68:4

I love how this scripture paints the picture of our praises emitting a highway upon which our Lord rides through the deserts. It is interesting that it does not say He rides through the pasture, the mountain, or even the wilderness. Our praises enable the Lord to ride through the dry and arid places of life; and not just our own lives, but the desert places in the hearts of the people around us. This scripture tells us to BE in high spirits and glory before Him. It doesn’t say to talk in high spirits or act in high spirits, but to be (exist, live, continue, remain). Glory as a verb means to rejoice proudly or exalt in triumph.

Let’s consider our praises and exultation in how they can impact the people around us. As we cast up a highway for Him who rides through the deserts, we are enabling God to move. Verses 5 and 6 describe some of the arid and dry places that people experience: the fatherless, the widow, the lonely, the desolate, and the prisoner. Although we are not and never should act as “the fixer” or “the solution” for others, The Fixer and The Solution can use us to impact brokenness. These verses describe The Lord as the father to the fatherless, a judge and protector of the widow, He places the lonely in families, gives the desolate a home and provides for the prisoner. People can be prisoners in more ways than the obvious. They can be captive to the flesh, to an addiction or habit, to a generational curse, or a deceptive mindset.

As we set a spiritual atmosphere that continually cultivates praises, an avenue is made for the Lord to ride in on and restore what is broken in people’s lives. At times He leads us to encourage, pray and talk with others about the Truth. Either way, the environment can be impacted by high spirits and a sincere and proud exultation of who God is and all He has done. Let’s believe together that people would be quickened by their Heavenly Father, Protector, Provider and Companion as we cast up a highway within the dry and arid places that are desperate for Living Water.

Your sister in Christ,


Harvest Church