BETWEEN THE LINES a frontline devotional

Deep Wells of Salvation

Day 22

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”

– Isaiah 12:2-3

There are days in life that can bring us to a place of frustration, weariness, fear, and an array of negative emotions. As I am writing this, I can think of numerous challenges in my life that have caused me to have moments of frustration, weariness, fear, and anger. But through all of this I have joy, peace, and strength that has been drawn from a deep well. This deep well began the moment I asked Christ into my life. From that moment, the Word of God was building up on the inside of me; even when I was too young to realize what was being sown into my heart. As I was sitting in Sunday school, weeknight service, prayer, and youth services, my reserve of the Word was growing deeper.

Now, as an adult, I have chosen to intentionally add to that reserve through devotions, prayer, and worship. In hard times, I have everything I need to stand strong with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. My spirit and flesh are encouraged as I speak the Word through every difficult or seemingly impossible situation. Isaiah 12:2-3 talks about the joy that would come forth when Jesus entered the scene. That joy, strength, trust, and protection that is described in this passage is still relevant today. It is relevant in your life and mine. It is the power and authority that was freely given to us on the day Jesus gave His life on Calvary. It is the good life that you can choose to walk in today. So, if you are feeling frustrated, weary, fearful, or angry; draw from your well of salvation. Everything we need has already been given to us, we just have to put it into action.

Find peace in His embrace,


Harvest Church