Pastor Paul Tebbano is the founder of Harvest Church and served as the Senior Pastor until he went home to be with the Lord on April 23rd, 2024. Pastor Paul served in the ministry for over 50 years, preaching under a strong anointing and with an emphasis on the free reign of the Holy Spirit in and out of church. His passion for souls and for proclaiming the Good News worldwide (Luke 4:18) lives on through Pastor Carolyn, his family, and the church body here at Harvest!
"holding out and offering to everyone the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to rejoice greatly because I did not run [my race] in vain nor labor without result." – Philippians 2:16 (AMP)


Pastor Carolyn Tebbano is the Co-Founder and Co-Pastor of Harvest Church. She has been active in the ministry for over 50 years. Through preaching and teaching, Pastor Carolyn delivers a fresh word of exhortation and encouragement by the leading of the Holy Spirit and firmly believes that God's Word will never return void, but will accomplish all that it is sent out to do (Isaiah 55:11).
paul a tebbano, paulie tebbano, youth pastor, front line youth ministry, tebbano family


Paulie is the worship leader and Youth Pastor of Harvest Church. He has served faithfully over Frontline youth ministry with his wife Nikki for 25 years. As worship leader, Paulie and The Harvest Worship Team cultivate an atmosphere for God's presence to move freely in every service.

Upcoming Youth Events


Nikki oversees the Care Ministry team and coordinates women's events at Harvest Church. She is also an assistant to Pastor Carolyn and ministers alongside her husband, Paulie, in the Frontline youth group. Paulie and Nikki's desire is to train up the next generation of young men and women to be disciples and warriors for Christ.
niki tebbano, nikki tebbano, youth pastor, front line youth ministry, tebbano family
james tebbano, jamie tebbano, pillars young adults, tebbano family


Jamie oversees the media ministry, sharing the Gospel message from the pulpit of Harvest Church around the world through TV, radio and internet. He also heads up the Pillars Young Adults group of Harvest Church with his wife, teaching practical lessons about upholding the truth of God's Word in everyday life.