Day 09 “In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength (might and inflexibility to temptation) in my inner self.” – Psalms 138:3 Have you ever felt like you were about to snap?
Pastor Paul is the founder and Senior Pastor of Harvest Church. He is also a Valley Forge Christian University graduate. Along with his wife, Pastor Carolyn, Pastor Paul has served in ministry for 50+ years and preaches under a strong anointing, with an emphasis on the free reign of the Holy Spirit in and out of church. He has a passion for souls and for proclaiming the Good News worldwide (Luke 4:18)!
Nikki assists Pastor Carolyn, coordinating women's events and encouraging women of all ages to walk in the fullness of Jesus Christ. Nikki also ministers alongside her husband, Paulie, in the Front Line youth group. Their desire is to train up the next generation of young men and women to be disciples and warriors for Christ.