Watch Your Thoughts

Here’s a quick blurb from Nikki’s message from 2 weeks ago about the battleground of our mind.

2 Corinthians 10:5  (ESV)

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

This is our active role in our thought life and it is for you to take notice: is this thought a lie or deception, or is this thought a truth or a promise from God?

If a thought is not of God or not of the Word then we are to speak to it and take it captive.  One of the primary ways the enemy fights against God’s will for our lives is through deception and trying to bring all kinds of negative thoughts to our mind in order to block us from our future. We must realize that our minds are the battleground and we have to decide to daily engage in the fight, because the other option is to cower behind what is being set up against us by the enemy.

The word engage means: to be doing or to become involved in an activity; to begin to fight an enemy.

The Bible presents a lot of detailed instruction on what kinds of things we should think about. Philippians 4:8 alone tells us to think about things that build us up, not tear us down, so make sure you equip yourselves for every battle the enemy throws at your mind!

Harvest Church